Monday 7 March 2011

Recto Trip

          Recto Trip
Recto, a well-known place where you can find fake creators of birth certificates, Transcript of Records, diplomas and other documents. This is also a place where you can find plenty sellers of cheap books that you need in school. To travel from Cavite to Recto may consume 3 hours.

July 2010, my friend and I decided to go to Recto for the reason that we badly needed books for our English subject. It sad to know that the bookstore here in Cavite didn't have books like that. We prepared to go there at 7 in the morning to avoid traffic. The day before our scheduled date to travel, I can't understand what I feel. I'm so excited but quite nervous. Excited to the fact that in that time I want to hang out with my friend and I think Recto is the farthest place I will been to, nervous because traveling is one of my weaknesses. My past experience in traveling far places are almost the same, riding the bus make me feel dizzy and worst, sometimes, I experience vomiting, its really a torture for me especially if there's a traffic, it only lengthens my agony. The moment that me and my friend step on the bus, I smell the scent of the air freshener, as I can remember, it is a lemon scent that brought consciousness to my stomach. We sat on the middle part of the bus, we shared stories for an hour, I told him that I take bonamine before we see each other and I brought a plastic for instance, he laughed because he thinks that I'm just kidding. After two ours, I feel extreme dizziness, I don't know what to do but to close my eyes. I feel that when my eyes are closed, my world is not moving. My friend alarmed to my situation, he obviously concern to me, he keeps on asking me "okey ka lang?" and I will answer my favorite line "Oo, malapit na ba tayo?". I really want to go home that time but I realize that  if we go home with nothing its only a waste of time and money, so we keep on moving.
I thought that the time we step down on the bus will be the end of my sufferings, but I was wrong, my friend said  we are going to ride on the LRT. To be honest, that was my first time to see LRT, I only see it on pictures, movies and shows in the television. He brought tickets for both of us and he teach me how to use that too. When the LRT stop, we enter and I proved to myself that its definitely a new experience for me. We are standing while traveling, no traffic interruptions, no enough space to move, its good that I have the companion of my friend, he said I should hold his shoulder because I might lost if some will exit in the LRT. He is really gentleman. It's already 11:30 when we reached Recto, we start to look for the books that we need, but unfortunately, no one of the sellers have the books we are looking. We surf every bookstore until we decided to quit. To enjoy time that we are there, we went to Quapo, by there I saw the church where the shooting of  Santa Santita of Angelica Panganiban and Jericho Rosales have taken. I observed that many people entering the church, vendors and vendors are scattered. Then, we walk to find a place where we can eat, we are so hungry because its already 1 in the afternoon, fast foods are loaded but we need to eat so we have no choice than to enter KFC that we think only few are inside it than the other fast food chains. It takes 30 minutes before seats are available, after we eat we decided to go home carried nothing but our experience.

It's a funny thing that were lost our way back, instead of riding in LRT we rode in MRT. To be sure in the way that we seek, we asked policeman,vendor and other person that we think familiar to that place. In the bus, I fell asleep and when I woke up we are near Pala-Pala. He accompany me at home, I'm so weak that time, when I reached our house my mother asked me how's our trip in Recto, did we find the books that we need, I don't entertain her questions because I feel I'm a dog tired that day. I sleep early. I think I will never forget Recto in my entire life.

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